
German Naval Commentator, 1943

The convoy ONS 5 is giving us some real problems. This seems to be a major battle.

After our successful convoy battles in March, we had to return many U-boats back to ports for repairs and improvements. There may be code decryption by the British, and I seriously suspect so. On the 24 our great U-710 had been sunk by the air escort for the convoy. We are continuing to get hit hard and it seems like the enemy is making progress in anticipating and attacking our Wolf Pack. There may be a reversal in battle plans as our night attack strategy is being imitated by the allies. Thus we shall surface and strike in the day, but I doubt truly that this will produce any considerable results. Surface escorts only are defeating our U-boats! There is a serious fog problem as well, but this seems to be an issue that is commonplace in the areas of hot and cold gulf stream conflate. We are going to lose a few U boats here, for the first time in the war.


Corporal Parkinson Diary (April 1943)

Just got a letter from home. Uncle Ralph bought it. U Boat got him on one of those damned oil tankers, in some convoy fight somewhere in the middle of the ocean. Bastards never tell you what really happened. Mom in tears. Dont' blame her. Ralph was a great guy. She is still pissed at him for going back to sea, old as he is. Merchant Marine needs everyone they can get I guess. What the hell is wrong with the navy. Why can't they get on top of these Krauts? This just goes on and on.

Aldershot, 2 April 1943